【人魚体験のご案内】 8月に人魚体験、マーメイディングの自主練習したい方はダイレクトメッセージ下さい🍀
【本題】 さて、最近 過去世の話ばかりしてますが(笑) これは、今の時期本当に自分と向き合い、スピリチュアルなことに少しでも興味を持って頂けるように、自分と向き合って人魚になった私が世の中へ出来る1つの貢献だと感じてるため、科学的であり、スピリチュアルな世界をご紹介したいと感じています🍀
因みに私はインナーチャイルドでは6ヶ月くらいの赤ちゃんの頃でした。やっとお座りが出来るようになり、昔住んでいた団地で祖母が面倒を見てくれているシーンでした🍀 祖母は(過去世では母だった人)こんなに可愛いがって愛してくれていたのかと、思うくらい、優しく私の世話をしてくれていて、もう亡くなっていないのですが、涙が止まりませんでした💦
そして、過去世ですが、ギリシャっぽい時代の金髪の美女でした。 10代で家族皆殺しにされたのに、その殺しを指示した軍曹に見初められ結婚。子供を2人もって60代くらいで亡くなるという過去でした。 そこから学ぶべき事がありありと感じられ、また感動の号泣でした🎵
そして、何とその過去を見た次の日に何も話していないのに、娘がその前世にそっくりの私の絵を書いてくれました(笑) 娘とはとても魂の繋がりが強く(他の前世では出産の時に母子ともに死んでいるのですが、その時の娘です)いつも私の頭の中を覗かれているかのような発言が多いのですが、今回もびっくり、シンデレラをひらがなで書き 「しんで・・・」が過去世を表しているようでとても笑えました(笑)
Gaze at myself in the mirror
Looking at the spiritual mirror and see what inside of the heart.
It is time to be honest for your self.
【info for mermaids】 If you are interested in experience to be a mermaid or practice mermaidding In August,at Nagoya. Please send me a direct message.
【Today′s story】
Well well well. I recently talk about past life therapy a lot. It because that is very inportant for you now and I am believeing in, it might be one of my mission who became what I want to be as a mermaid as I faced my heart. I hope I could give you a chance to be a little more spiritual.
Yesterday I found the youtube which is the Doctor Brian L.Weiss actually gide the past life therapy. It is a short version and take only 30minutes. if you are interested in your inner child and past life. Please try it. of course it is very good to have a professional hipnocerapist gide. But it is a very good exercise. And also it is good meditation,too.
Just don't afraid and please have a fun.
Anyway when I tryed it I had great experience.
When I saw my inner child. I was at grand-ma′s house. I used to be raised up by my grand ma. So I saw myself at grand-ma′s house and I was about 6months old.
I could sit down by my self recently at that time, so I work up and sat down and called my grand-ma with baby word . and them she my grand-ma came to me and I felt her big love🌸 She past away a few years ago so I was glad to see her and also I didn't know how much she loved and how she took care about me. so I cryed very much.
And I moved to the past life. I was a beautiful bronze lady which looks like my daughter′s drawing💓 My daughter She was my daughter in the other past life so we have very strong connection.She always tell me key words what I am thinking about.So even I didn't tell her about this past life she got the image and she just drew in the next day.🌸
anyway this past life I think it was Ancient greece. In this life my family was all killed when I was teen. but the Sergeant who made this family disaster,He found me in the house and took back with him because he fell in love with me.
we made two kids but until he died I didn't know there was love between he and me,I couldn't forget he was the guy who killed my family at that life.
I learned very good lesson.which connect this life,too. I cryed a lot. and I felt my soul getting cleaner.
I also saw the beautiful bronze lady′s husband after that life. in the hipnocerapy you can see someone who died but you want to see,too.
even if it is just a image of you you will heal your soul and you will really saw that person.
This is what happened in this time.
Enjoy your past life and get healthier. It is good for the coronavirus.
be safe and enjoy your past.
a lots of love.
hipnocerapy by Doctor Brian L.Weiss https://youtu.be/u2ECuQLb70w